- no personal connections
- no finance experience of any kind before recruiting
- no connections through school
Your critiquing team started the entire investment banking recruiting process for me last summer, and I would not have been able to achieve this without your service. Thank you so much for your help.
It has been quite the journey and one hell of an experience. I screwed up the few front-office interviews I did manage to get…things were looking very bleak. I was very pissed off and disappointed at myself after October went by without an offer. If I learned anything from my failures, it is to always hustle and to stay humble. I definitely lost sight of that and took many opportunities for granted. I decided to take some time off to reevaluate and didn’t try to recruit again seriously until early March.
This time around, I stepped up my networking game and began meeting random strangers in investment banking. If there was an email on the firm website, I’d send an email. If I saw someone interesting on LinkedIn, I’d add him. If I couldn’t get them to meet in person, I would try to get them on the phone. Probably ended up speaking with at least 20 professionals.
The position I landed all started through a cold-email to an MD and things just evolved from there. Three weeks later, I was signed.